How to install WordPress on AWS (Amzaon Web Services) for newbies

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install WordPress on Amazon's AWS Cloud Platform with Bitnami version of WordPress on AWS.

Although hosting WordPress on AWS offers great performance, it can be challenging. If you are new in the developed world, you may be interested in managed hosting; There are even managed cloud storage service providers (see instructions).


To get started, create one Free AWS account and follow along with the video above. If you're having trouble, check below to see the steps listed separately with their commands.

There are 8 steps in this tutorial:

#first. Create 1 Instance in AWS

After you've created your Amazon Web Services account, click on the Services link at the top of the page, then click on the EC2 link below the calculation column.

From your EC2 control panel, click the First instance Boot button to deploy a new version of EC2. An Instance immediately is just a fancy word to describe the Virtual Machine that will run your WordPress installation.

Now that your version of EC2 has been implemented, the next step is to install WordPress. To do this, navigate to AWS Marketplace in the left column, then search for WordPress and select WordPress Certified by Bitnami.

#2. Choose Instance Type

On the next page, select the hardware (virtual machine) you want to run your WordPress installation. Choose a free t2.micro device.

# 3. Configure Instance Details

On the Configure case details page, select the Automatically assign public IP option and leave the other options as they are.

# 4. Review Instance Details

Next, click the Launch button at the bottom of the Instance Details page

# 5. Generate SSH Key

Next, a popup window will appear. Create a new SSH key pair according to the instructions in the popup window. Make sure to download the key pair and save it in a safe place. Next, click the Launch Instances button at the bottom of the popup.

# 6. WordPress login information

Congratulations! You have just launched a new WordPress installation. However, to log in to your new WordPress installation, you will first need to get your WordPress login credentials. To do this, first click on the Services link at the top of the Launch Status page.

In the Calculation column, click the EC2 link.

Next, click on the Instance link in the left column.

On your Case page, click the Action button, then navigate down to Instance Setting, then click get System Log.

Use the sidebar on the right of the page to navigate towards the bottom of the instance log. Locate and copy your Bitnami application password.

# 7. Copy the IP address

After copying your WordPress password, exit the instance log and use the bottom scroll bar to locate and copy your Public IP address.

#8. Log into WordPress

In the new browser window, paste the Public IP address followed by wp-admin - this will take you to the WordPress login page. Enter the user as the username and paste the password you copied from the previous step into the password field.

Now that you have succeeded with WordPress, you can change your WordPress site.


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