How to create notes in Action Center on Windows 10 - Knowledge sharing blog

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Action Center is a very new feature built into Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. It allows you to quickly activate some functions as well as review notifications of previous applications.

And if you are a regular user of Action Center on your computer to perform operations, you can completely create notes here with the application. Action Note.

In this article, you go with me to learn about how to create notes in Action with the application Action Note on Windows 10!

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#first. Introducing the Action Note application

On Windows 10 operating system, there are also many applications that support creating notes, such as Sticky Notes, this application has existed on Windows operating system for a long time (from Windows XP version), It allows you to create and pin notes on the Windows desktop easily.

However, many people do not like the style of creating notes by Sticky Notes, such as yourself. Because putting these notes on the screen seems quite entangled, taking up a lot of space, and secondly, other people just need to look at it to see right away, no privacy, especially important notes.

My personal opinion is like that, generally depends on your purpose.

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For the same reasons, a guy who uses notes like himself has come up with a new solution called Action Note!

Action Note is a free app on the Microsoft Store that allows you to create notes right in the Windows 10 Action Center, just open them to see them. In addition, if you like, we can also pin these notes to the start menu for easy viewing and tracking.

#2. Instructions for creating notes in Action Center with Action Note app

+ Step 1: To install the Action Note app, first open Microsoft Store => and enter the keyword Action Note In the search box => then press the key Enter.

Or You can click on the line this link !

Search the list of application results Action Center There is an icon like in the picture, click on it to open the introduction page of the application.

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+ Step 2: Here, you just need to click on the button GET The green color shown in the picture is all the process of downloading and installing applications in Windows 10 will be automatically performed by the system, you just need to wait until it is completed.

Note: This application is very light so the download process takes less than 1 minute, however, if the download process fails, please check if the Windows Update service is disabled.

=> Install finished, click the button Launch to launch the Action Note application.

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+ Step 3: This is the main interface of Action Note, in which the tab:

  • Notes will be where you create, edit, delete, manage notes.
  • Part Archive It's like saving notes, but I still don't understand what it is for and how to back up notes here.

Because this software is in addition to the free version we are using, it also has a PRO version for about $ 3, which allows you to sync notes on any device, so tab Ugrade will be the place for you to upgrade your software.

Left line About and Settings then you all know what to do, right, they are information about software and settings only, I will talk later.

Now, click on the sign + below to create a new note. To delete all notes created in Notes, click on the 3 dots => and select Delete All.

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+ Step 4: This is the interface to create new notes of Action Note, enter the name of the note in the box GHI CHÚ and note text in the box Đây là nội dung ghi chú ! => and then click on the Save icon, which I drew an arrow into.

There are also functions that I number, too, corresponding to those numbers are:

  • No. 1 : Share notes, only available when you edit a note. In addition, you can only share via email.
  • No. 2: Insert audio from your Mic into notes, also known as voice notes.
  • Number 3: Pin the edited note to the top of the notes list.
  • 4 : Add attachments to notes, photos, videos ...
  • 5 : Cancel editing the note.
  • Number 6: Because Action Note can display notes in Windows Action Center, this button lets you hide this note in Action Center.
  • Number 7 : Mark this as an important note, there will be a flag icon next to the list of notes when you activate
  • 8 : Color is the way to classify notes in Action Note, the default is all white, click here to change.

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How to pin notes to the Windows Start Menu?

At the beginning of the article, I said Action Note allows you to pin notes to the Start menu for easy viewing. To do so, first return to the list of notes in the section Notes.

Right-click the note in the list that you want to pin it on the Start menu => and then select Pin to Start, there will be a confirmation window, you click Yes is done.

In addition, you can double click on any note to edit, select Delete to delete, and Share to share via Email.

The attachment icon and the flag to indicate this is an important highlighted note and the attachment, which also appears on the note in the Action Center.

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This is a note when you pin it in the Start menu, it will show the name, a piece of content and the background image if the image file is attached.

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Now, to add and display any message in Action Center, click the checkmark X or Alt + F4 to close Action Note.

Note: Shortcut keys for quick access to Action Center was Windows + A

Please be assured that this application will always run to show notes in Action Center and Start menu for you. Open the Action Center and you'll see the created notes appear here.

Alternatively, you can quickly create notes by typing a name in the box Tile, content in the box Detail and finally click Save is done

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# 3. Epilogue

So I have just guided you in detail about How to create notes on Windows 10 with Action Note, help you can display notes right in the Windows 10 Action Center easily then ha.

Hope this small application will help you work more effectively, if you find the article useful, do not forget to share this article for everyone to use offline. Good luck !

CTV: Nguyen Thanh Tung -

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