To learn WordPress or PHP language, MySQL on your computer needs to have Localhost installed. Currently there are 2 most used software, namely XAMPP and WAMP. In this article, I will guide you to install WordPress on Localhost WampServer in detail. Please refer to this article.
Install WordPress on Localhost XAMPP
The work should be as follows:
1: Install Wampserver (Read the article: What is Wamp? How to install localhost with WAMP)
2: Download WordPress source code here
Step 1: After finishing the 2 above, you will turn on Wamp
Access to the address localhost / phpmyadmin on the browser
Login with root account; Password is empty
Click on it new Create new Database
Named as wordpress => Select utf8_general_ci => Click Create
Step 2: Copy the WordPress source code into the Directory C: wamp64 www
Right click => Extra Here to extract
Change the name if you like
Step 3: Next type up the browser localhost / wordpress
Choose Vietnamese => Continue
Step 4: Press do it, now
Step 5: Fill full the information
Database Name: Database created above
User name: The default is root
Password: Blank
Database Host: The default is localhost
Datasheet prefix: The default is wp_
Press to send
Step 6: Press start installation
Step 7: Fill in the information
Website name: Your website name
User name: Username for WordPress
Password: You can reset it for easy remembering
Your email: Enter your Email
Finally press Install WordPress
Step 8: Press log in
The result is like this
Accomplished! Finally, you have successfully installed WordPress on Localhost Wamp!
Too easy right? Once done you can find out about WordPress tips His sharing is quite complete and detailed. Including basic WordPress learning, theme programming, security and speeding ...