What is the silo structure? How to create an effective silo structure in SEO

In the field of SEO, especially Website SEO, you cannot help but know what the concept of silo is. Because this is considered to be an extremely popular type of structure. So, if you do not know anything about silo, then join us to learn everything in this article about What is silo? How to create silo structure in SEO.

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Introduction What is silo structure?

What is the silo structure? In fact, the silo structure means a cellar or a food storage tower if you learn and translate words in English. It is also considered the significant source of the silo structure. Therefore, silo structures are also structural forms with a structure like a tower, or a large cellar.

In essence, the Silo structure is the structure that shows the close relationships, firmly attached to each other without dead ends. These structures are linked in an orderly, clear order, not overlapping; especially it forms a closed circle. That is why the silo structure is widely used, popular in the SEO field when designing and making websites.

However, to be able to immediately integrate this silo structure for the website itself is not an easy thing. If you have never studied it carefully and done it right away, it will be easy to make mistakes, making it ineffective. Here, we will summarize to you some notes on how to create a Silo structure in SEO.

Notes on how to create Silo structures

To create a Silo structure for your website, you need to note the following 2 things:

1 / Create menu items so that they match

Usually when you put all the categories on the website, on the main website interface, there will be all categories on the menu bar. This will help customers know all of your products, products and services. However, according to Silo structure, you should only prioritize large categories, and from large categories, there will be more sub-categories of that large category, which will be more optimal, and your menu directory will Become a lot more professional. It is one of the ways to help you simplify things and make your website look more professional and modern.

2 / Absolutely should not link dead end

One of the reasons why creating more main links for you to write is considered common mistakes of SEO staff. There are 3 locations that will usually append links: Breadcrmb, H1, and more articles.

However, when you create more links on breadcrumbs, you should pay attention to avoid duplicate links and create 2 duplicate links like this.

The best way to fix the above error is to add nofollow. That will make your data structure not duplicate the same content in the same post and avoid becoming link spam.

If you post more links in the article see more or related articles, you should refrain from displaying the link in the article itself.

If you use additional plugins or themes, then great. However, if you write the theme yourself, you should add a paragraph 'post__not_in' => array ($ post-> ID) to the query to remove it from the main post.

Building a silo structure for a brand new website is simpler and easier to do than recreating on an existing website. A silo structure will really work and give great results if you know how to apply and practice it from the very beginning of your website.

With silo structure, in some cases it is often recommended that you avoid linking this article with other groups of articles. For example, articles in the SEO section should not be linked to articles in the WORDPRESS section. Because the nature of the linked articles is to add other useful information to the user, so it is not advisable to choose articles that are not relevant to the topic.

In short, above are all the most basic information about What is silo structure and precautions when creating silo structures. Hope to be useful to you.

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The post What is structure silo? How to create effective silo structure in SEO first appeared on SEO COMPANY WEBSITE SPECIALIZED IN IMK SEO SERVICES.


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