How to Delete 1 Or More Contacts from Phone Book on iPhone at the same time (2020) ✔️ Anh Dung SEO ✔️

Instead of having to delete each contact from the contacts one by one, it just takes time and effort, with mass deletion of contacts you will save more time. The following article will guide you how to delete 1 or more contacts from contacts on iPhone at the same time.

Suppose for some reason that you want to delete one or more contacts from the contacts on your iPhone, maybe because the contacts are too old or unimportant. In the following article, will guide you How to delete 1 or more contacts from contacts on iPhone same time.

How to delete 1 or more contacts from the list on iphone Instructions for deleting numbers from contacts on iPhone

If you are using iCloud, you have already backed up and stored your contacts in the cloud for use on all Apple devices, including iOS and macOS.

To delete multiple iPhone contacts at the same time, you can easily do it through iCloud. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open any browser on your computer and go to, sign in with your Apple ID and password.
Step 2: On the iCloud window, find and click Contacts (Phonebook).

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Step 3: Mark the contacts you want to delete by pressing and holding Control key (on PC) or Command key (on Mac) simultaneously click to select the contact you want to delete.
Step 4: Click the icon Settings (settings) is located in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Step 5: Choose Delete (erase).
Step 6: Choose Delete (delete) to confirm it again.

How to delete 1 or more contacts from iPhone contacts at once - Anh Dung SEO

Another way to mass delete contacts on iPhone contacts is to use the help of applications, third party software. The application that wants to talk about here is called Groups.

To delete multiple contacts from iPhone contacts at once using the Groups app, follow the steps below:

Step 1: First download the Groups app to your iPhone and install it.

Download the Group application to your device and install it here.

=> Link Download Groups for iPhone
How to delete 1 or more contacts from iPhone contacts at once - Anh Dung SEO

Step 2: Open the Groups app on your phone.
Step 3: Give the app permission to access phone contacts when requested.
Step 4: On the Groups window, select All Contacts (all contacts).
Step 5: On your list of contacts, find and mark the contacts you want to delete.
Step 6: Click select ChooseAction (select action) is in the top corner.

How to delete 1 or more contacts from iPhone contacts at once - Anh Dung SEO

Step 7: On the window displayed on the screen, select Delete contacts… (delete contact).
Step 8: Press to select Remove from my iPhone! (deleted from my iPhone) to confirm.

How to delete 1 or more contacts from iPhone contacts at once - Anh Dung SEO

The above article just instructed you how to delete 1 or more contacts in contacts on iPhone at the same time. Also, if you accidentally delete an important contact and you want to restore it, refer to the article How to recover deleted contacts on iPhone, iPad, Android on to learn how to do it.


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