How To Double Tap Unlock Android Screen With Tap Tap App (2020) ✔️ Anh Dung SEO ✔️

Currently, some Android and Windows Phone devices offer a double-tap to open screen feature. However, if you want to use this feature on other Adroid devices, download the Tap Tap App app and use it.

Tap Tap App allows users to double tap to unlock the screen. This is a very useful feature, because instead of fumbling for the Home button to open it, you just need to touch the screen twice. Besides the convenience, the power button is also used less often, less damage.

If using Windows phone, you can also refer to how wake up Windows Phone by double tap on the screen that we have covered in the tips

Tap twice to unlock Android screen with Tap Tap App

Step 1: First you go to the following link to download the application Tap Tap App

Step 2: You click the button Free Download to continue.

Take care of the android screen

Click on the link to the Google Play app market.

Slowly open the screen tap tap app

Step 3: Follow the steps as shown below to install.

How to double-tap to unlock the Android screen with Tap Tap App - Anh Dung SEO

After installing Tap Tap App, you can integrate the function of double tap to unlock the Android screen. Currently, there are many applications that provide this feature, but Tap Tap App is still the most chosen name. Because besides efficiency, users do not have to take the effort to root the device anymore. Also please refer to how Android acceleration For more details.


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