79 "easy and cheap" ways to increase your website traffic

When the number of websites with online content is too much, building a website with quality content to increase website traffic is not enough. You must proactively promote your website - your online brand.

However, not all business owners have enough money to "generous" to spend on advertising campaigns on a large scale, they are having to spend every day for the urgent goal of sales.

Here is good news for you!

There are some branding ideas and driving website traffic with a more budget. Read through the 79 ideas below and you'll find many things you can apply.

I - Increase website traffic with SEO

1. Find and choose the right key words that match your website's goals, your business and the products you're offering.

2. Optimize your entire website to meet Google criteria instead of just focusing on a few sales pages. Pay attention to both on-page and on-site SEO.

3. Remember to subscribe and take regular care for Google My Business.

4. Find Q&A websites (questions & answers) and find related questions that you can recommend on the content of your website.

5. Optimize the keywords related to your content, especially long keywords that express the specific intention of the searcher.

6. Links to news sites (online newspapers) that are relevant to your business.

7. Participate in online discussions on forums related to the field your website is offering.

8. Search for keyword ideas and writing topics by following Google Trends.

9. Write a title "hard to resist" causing readers to click on the link of your article.

10. Build internal links (create links between pages in your website) so that users stay on your website for longer, see more content.

11. Make sure your website is optimized on mobile devices to increase rankings on mobile.

12. Optimize local search for your site (SEO local).

13. Consider remarketing to people who have visited your website with Google Ads, Facebook Ads in a short period of time to increase traffic and sales, especially the time to start doing SEO.

14. Optimize images on your posts with ALT tags to increase the likelihood of your images being in the Top Results when users search for images (Google Images).

15. Optimize article descriptions and title tags so they are easy to read and don't get garbled in search engine results pages.

16. Add your company address to the footer of your website to make sure local searchers find you.

17. Improve your website speed.

II - Increase website traffic with Content Marketing

18. If you do not have a blog entry on your website, build it now.

19. Create content that is useful, valuable and shareable. Don't just focus on content sales.

20. Create free and paid resources such as case studies, reports, survey results, etc.

21. Look for opportunities for popular bloggers in your industry to introduce your website to the community.

22. Create infographics with a variety of industry statistics to increase viral (create a viral effect).

23. Start with a series of content that is published periodically such as "Do you know?" Or "Tip of the day" to make it a habit to expect the next article and to periodically access the website.

24. Update your blog posts regularly to increase rankings and traffic.

25. Interview with industry experts and highlight the story on your blog or youtube channel.

26. Invest in video content and upload your video to YouTube.

27. Create a press kit (aka media kit) that you can share with influencers, bloggers, and even other businesses.

28. Create comments on other blogs related to your industry.

29. To create interest in your brand, provide an ebook as a free download to users who subscribe to your newsletter.

30. There is a combination of content with sustainable value (Evergreen Content) and trendy content to increase the likelihood of your site being explored, especially on search engines.

III - Increase website traffic with Social Media

31. Promote content on your website to the social media channels your customers are present, especially on the business Facebook Fanpage.

32. Join discussions on Facebook Groups to create visibility.

33. Organize contests on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to drive traffic to your website.

34. Use Pinterest to upload high quality images of products

35. Link your social media channels. Make sure all pages / profiles have a URL to your site.

36. Use Stories on Facebook and Instagram to attract your customers and improve brand recognition.

37. Create an official YouTube channel. Use it to share videos about your brands, products and services.

38. Use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram ads shortly to increase traffic to your website.

39. Leave a comment on other social media sites.

40. Take advantage of live stream on Facebook and Instagram. This will give you the opportunity to show your brand personality and encourage viewers to visit the site.

41. If you serve the B2B market, double your activity on LinkedIn. According to a report, 63% of marketers rated LinkedIn as the most effective B2B social media platform.

42. Use SlideShare to create your own high quality slideshows. Optimize your slide show for keywords and add your website URL to the beginning or end of the slide.

IV - Increase website traffic by Offline Marketing activity

43. Participate in events and write about event experiences in your blog post.

44. Find opportunities for public speaking in your industry.

45. Add QR codes to your printed documents (for example, business cards, posters, post cards, leaflets, etc.) to bring people to your business website.

46. ​​Support local organizations to make sure your community knows your business brand and website.

47. Affix sticker and / or decal on your personal or company car to promote the website.

48. If you have the budget, pay for local advertising positions in newspapers, benches, sporting events, etc.

49. Make sure your website URL shows up on company goods.

50. Send mail directly and put your URL in the body of the message.

51. Attach your website URL on your company uniform.

52. Add your website URL to the office sign.

53. Attend business networking events in your city or out of state.

54. Support a local charity by building a meaningful activity or donating a portion of your money, in return for your brand to be mentioned on that organization's website, or to be exported show in the local article.

55. Contact your local news station to introduce your company as an expert in your industry.

56. Join a local Trade Organization or other business groups.

V - Increase website traffic with promotions

57. According to a study, 57% of shoppers are motivated by coupons to buy for the first time.

58. Offer free gifts to in-store customers and add materials to promote your website.

59. Start a loyalty program that asks users to fill out a form on your website.

60. Offer deals that can be redeemed on your website after shoppers make purchases at the store.

61. Start a referral network and encourage users to recommend your site to their friends to receive promotions.

62. Send thank you cards or emails to customers in your store, which put the URL to your website.

63. Take advantage of seasonal deals (for example, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, etc.) to increase your chances of being found on these occasions.

VI - Other ideas to increase website traffic

64. Remember to promote your website on all the online channels you own - social media, newsletters, blogs.

65. Create an official email signature that contains your website address in it.

66. Don't forget email marketing. Start a newsletter and encourage signing up with offers and discounts.

67. Encourage customers to leave reviews on your social media pages and website.

68. Take advantage of user-generated content through contests, content posted on your website.

69. If your site has been running for some time, consider redesigning it to increase viewer interest.

70. Add social networking buttons to your blog and landing-page content for easy sharing.

71. When looking for influencers, look for people related to your brand and your target customers are following them. Number of followers is not a reliable metric.

72. Educate your audience instead of selling them.

73. Talk and listen to your customers about what they want from your brand. Use this information to improve products and / or create content.

74. Promote your website wherever you go. You are the biggest ambassador for your website.

75. Use strong calls in social media posts and satellite sites to direct your audience to your site.

76. Make sure the customer experience on your website works well on all devices.

77. Make sure that internal members of your business (even if it is not Marketing) are encouraged to participate in the brand's propaganda and website.

78. Pay attention to what your competitors are doing on their websites and find ways to make you more unique.

79. Want to increase website traffic? Call from people you meet daily (online and offline).

Choose the right ideas to help increase traffic for your website, this is the beginning of a stronger investment in the future website.

Source: searchenginejournal.com

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