What is Remitano? Instructions to open an account, buy and sell on Remitano

Currently, the development of cryptocurrencies has led many Bitcoin exchanges to operate in Vietnam. However, of these the most famous floor is probably Remitano. In this article, we show you how to register an account, how to trade on Remitano, one of the most prestigious exchanges on Bitcoin trading in Vietnam today.

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What is Remitano floor?

Remitano is an exchange of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, ETH, USDT, BCH, LTC and XRP which allows investors to use VND to exchange and purchase these currencies. Due to the P2P peer-to-peer mechanism, Remitano is essentially a cryptocurrency exchange, acting as an intermediary connecting buyers and sellers, so that transactions can take place safely and smoothly in order to guarantee benefits for both parties.

The biggest advantage of Remitano is that there is no minimum or maximum deposit required. You can trade as many as you like, suitable for the entire customer segment from large buyers or small traders.

Currently, in addition to VND, you can also use USDT to exchange other coins. This is a new feature that has been integrated by Remitano recently.

Types of transaction fees on Remitano floor

It is fair to say that Remitano collects a lot of different fees for each transaction including: deposit fee, bank transfer fee, difference fee ... However, because of the advantages of safety, fast and convenient, Although there are many such fees and somewhat, but Remitano is still trusted by many traders.

Basically, Remitano charges a flat fee, which is deducted directly from your wallet balance. And no matter how much money you deposit, the fee is in the following form:

Instructions for Remitano floor registration

Step 1: Register for Remitano floor account

How to register Remitano floor is very simple, because the floor uses the passwordless login mechanism (login without password), after completing, each login you only need to enter your email address, there will be a link to send it to email, click on the link and you will be logged into Remitano. However, to be able to conduct transactions you must verify your identity. Therefore, please prepare 2 photos of the front and back of the driver's license, identity card or passport before registering.

Step 2: To register you just need to click on the link below:

A new page appears, you just need to enter your email to be:

At this time, the following message will appear:

You just need to go to the line "Log me in to Remitano" to activate is finished:

After clicking on the above line, you will continue to fill in the remaining steps according to our instructions below. It should be noted, Remitano does not require a login password, so later you want to login just enter the email will have a link to send you to login through it.

Step 3: Enter the alias and complete the request from Remitano

After clicking on the Remitano link, you will see the request appear as shown below:

The nickname is the nickname, this is just a name to buy and sell bitcoins, no matter what you like to order.

Then click on the accept line of terms and you are done Remitano floor registration.

Instructions on how to verify your account

Step 1: Go to the "Settings" section on the top right, in the alias you set:

When you click on the installation word, an interface is displayed as follows:

The new version of Remitano has a lot of improvements, you can see all the actions you need to do are in this list like before the Authy security section and the profile are in 2 different sections in the "secret" tab. name".

So, here you will have to do 2 jobs that Activate Authy and verify records, 2 jobs have been circled in red as shown above. Whatever you do first, it doesn't matter, as long as you finish both.

Now we will activate Authy security together before you.

Step 2: Instructions to activate Authy security

Authy or 2-layer security is a mandatory requirement when you trade at Remitano. To activate you just need to click on the activation word above, this will appear the required information as below:

To activate security, you can scan the QR code or copy the entire verification code into the Authy application, using one of two ways to appear a code that you get that code to fill in the line "Security code Authy "then click on the line" Turn on Authy security "is finished.

If you do not know how to use Authy, please refer to "Authy User's Guide" provided by Remitano as I circled above. If your phone does not have Authy installed, you can download 1 of 2 sessions that Remitano has pre-installed on the "Authy User Manual", available for installation.

So here you have activated Authy. The next step we will verify your identity together.

Instructions to verify the identity of Remitano Exchange

When you finish verifying Authy, the message "authy security is turned on" appears. You scroll down and click on the profile line to complete identity verification:

You will have to complete 2 things: add a phone number and send documents to Remitano for review:

With phone number verification you just need to click on the "add phone number" line which will display the section for you to enter your phone number:

Enter the code sent to your phone number and click on the verification word to complete the phone verification:

Instructions to verify your identity on Remitano floor

After the phone verification step is completed, go back to the profile section and click the "upload document" to perform the remaining steps:

You will click on one of the two lines above as "full name" or "ID number / Passport / GPLX number, the part you will fill in as below:

You enter both lines above and click on Update. Please note that your name is written without diacritics.

Finished, click on the "Upload" to continue uploading 1 of the 3 documents above to Remitano for approval:

In addition to downloading 1 of the 3 documents mentioned above, you will have to download additional secondary documents which can be 1 in 2 remaining documents or insurance, household registration, invoice ...

After completing the download of documents. Now you will have to hold papers to horizontal in front of you, take a selfie to Remitano:

Next, you will put your ID / GPLX / Passport (1 of the documents uploaded for Remitano's review) into a blank sheet of paper, specifying the date, email address and the words "buy virtual money remitano name. com ”:

After taking the 2 types of photos above, send to remitano you wait for about 5 minutes will have a response email. If you have any requests or approved Remitano will guide you to complete.

Instruction to buy bitcoins and other currencies on Remitano

Now to buy bitcoin or any other currency, after the verification process is completed. You return to the homepage, and the type of coin you want to buy. Here suppose you want to buy Bitcoin:

You click on the word "buy now" if you choose bitcoin, if you do not like you can choose other coins by clicking the arrow above in the Bitcoin list.

After clicking "buy now" you will need to fill the volume and choose the bank for you to trade:

Complete 2 steps above, click on "Buy now" to proceed with payment:

After clicking on the word "buy now" will display the information as the table above, you copy all this information to make a transfer using Internet Banking. Note that when you transfer, you must send the correct amount of money as instructed, the right content of the transfer as a guide to confirm later. You do not need to top up Remitano wallet to do anything, Remitano almost automatic payment 24/24 unlike Huobi so you can buy anytime.

In the above step, you will log into your Internet Banking account to perform the transaction as usual:

Once the transaction is completed, wait for a bit of Bitcoin to automatically transfer to your wallet. Once you have Bitcoin you can move to other exchanges to withdraw or withdraw anywhere you want.

Instructions to withdraw coins from Remitano floor

To withdraw money, similarly you go to the "control panel" and select "wallet":

At this time, there will appear a variety of coins, you want to withdraw any coin you just need to select the word for withdrawal in that coin type:

Then you will enter the wallet address you withdraw, the amount of BTC and then click "Send":

Instruction to withdraw VND money to bank account:

To withdraw VND cash is similar to what you would do with other currencies. First you still go to the "Control Panel" and select "Wallet":

At this point will appear 1 table is the type of your bank account. Which account you want to withdraw money, choose that account:

You will enter the amount you want to withdraw, minimum VND 100,000 or more, then press confirm to be done:

Above are all instructions for registering, depositing and withdrawing money at Remitano. Hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions please leave a comment below, we will answer it in turn. Good luck!

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Author: Tin Nguyen

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