What is WordPress 413 error and how to fix it


What is WordPress 413 error and how to fix it - If you are an experienced WordPress user, you have seen an error that takes a while to fix. The error we will say is a fairly common error and there are several quick fixes to show you. When the user is trying to upload a plugin, theme, or basically any media, they will run into the message. request entity 413 is too large and not allow them to continue.

This is why you get error 413 Entity required too big?


What types of files can you upload to WordPress as long as they do not exceed the maximum limit. It is the default limit configured by your WordPress hosting provider. It allows you to upload relatively large content but doesn't know where the upper limit is located. If the upload fails and the 413 error appears, it means the file c is too large.

The main problem here is that if you find a useful plugin or an interesting topic, sometimes you can't apply it because of its size. In the media library, you will encounter such a problem but it will have another error message: filename.zip exceeded. This will come out whenever you want to upload videos or high resolution images.

People run into this error message when they want to upload a large image. To see the exact upload limits, click the Media button and the Add New option. Below one line: Maximum upload file size: ‘value’ (usually 2 MB).

How to fix the error 413?

There are 3 different ways to fix this error. The first two methods rely on a few lines of code while for the third method you need to use FTP. We will mention them to you to decide which is the simplest.

1. Set a higher upload file size limit in your function file


The file.php is basically a theme structured like a plugin. You can open this file on your admin and front page pages, which contains functions that define the filters, classes, and actions your template uses in WordPress themes.

Without the file.php. Just create a text file, name the file.php and copy it into the theme's directory. To increase the file size limit, copy the code below into the file.php in your WordPress theme:

@ini_set (‘upload_max_size’, ‘128M’);

@ini_set (‘post_max_size’, ‘128M’);

@ini_set (‘max_execut_time’, ‘500’)

This is done with a website-specific plugin and adds lines of code to your WordPress site to customize, regardless of the current theme.

The 128M you see in post_max_size and upload_max_size is the exact size limit for the files you are going to upload. It is arbitrary, you set it to whatever number you want as long as it is larger than the file you want to add. Max_execut_time is what determines the time it takes for the upload to finish before the process stops. You will increase this value just to make sure the file is available

This method does not always work, there are some WordPress sites where it will do nothing. Then try the next method based on the .htaccess file.

2. Set a higher upload file size limit in the .htaccess file


The .htaccess file is another place where you configure the server of your site. The lines of code you write have strict rules that the server must follow.

If you want to fix the error in this way, open the .htaccess file in the root of the WordPress site and copy the code below in the following way:

php_value upload_max_filesize 128M

php_value post_max_size 128M

php_value max_execut_time 500

php_value max_input_time 500

With these commands, the .htaccess file communicates with the server to set the upload size and duration to the given values. Before you change anything in your .htaccess file, you should make a backup. If you break the code even a little bit, your entire site is likely to crash.

For sites running on shared hosting, this will definitely not work. Then contact your supplier through customer support is the best option. They will then open the .htaccess file themselves and change the limit.

3. Upload and install everything with FTP


You encounter the 413 request entity too large when uploading a file. Perhaps the easiest solution is to manually upload the file via FTP. For those who are not familiar with FTP, this is the abbreviation for the term of file transfer protocol. When you want to transfer files from one PC to another on the Web, you should use this internet protocol.

It is very useful when installing WordPress on your site. First, you need FTP to transfer CMS files from your PC to the server. The interface that simplifies these tasks is an FTP client, which you need to install on your computer. After booting up and running, file exchange between PC and server will begin. Popular FTP software that will suit users are WS_FTP and Filezilla.

If you know how to use FTP, you solve many problems. When you want new plugins or change something in a file.php, sometimes it will lead to server problems. It happened because the plugin was incompatible or someone was messing with the code. You can access the server via an FTP client and get rid of the files that are causing the problem.

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Upload your WordPress files manually using FTP


Uploading files to your WordPress site using the FTP client is fairly easy. Just download and install the client on your PC and it will establish a connection between the website and your device.

First of all, you only need to start the FTP client by entering your FTP login information. This is necessary if you want to connect to your website and gain access to the files. When you sign up for the hosting plan, the provider will send these credentials in the email.

If you have a username and password, launch Filezilla and click on ‘File’ then Webmaster Manager ‘. A window will appear and there you will be able to access the ‘New site’. In ‘My site’, a new name will appear in a list called ‘My site’ and there you will be able to change the name. On the right, there are fields where you can add information about your page.

In the ‘Server’ field, enter the domain name, then select Login Type: Normal ‘in the drop down menu and you're ready to connect. If the information is correct, Filezilla will establish a connection and save everything for the next login so you don't need to enter it again.

Every time Filezilla announces that you want to connect from a new computer, the ‘Unknown certificate’ window will pop up. To stay connected and make the software trust the certificate, click the 'Always trust certificates for future sessions' checkbox and continue. You will then view the files on your site. Local Site site ‘is the computer, while underneath‘ Remote site ’site is your page files.

To upload a file, just right-click the file you want and click ‘Upload’.

Install any WordPress Plugin via FTP


Entity error too large 413 will encounter while the plugin you are trying to add is too large and exceeds your page limit. Fortunately, there is a way to install WordPress plugins manually. Because you can upload any type of file to your website using an FTP client, it means you can also upload your plugin files.

Start by downloading the source file of the plugin you want to use on your site. This is always a .zip file that needs to be unzipped on your computer before you do anything else. When done, a folder will appear with the same name and that is what you need to upload via the FTP client.

Remember that WordPress has a strict structure of files. You need to know exactly where to upload a specific file on the site. In the example, a new plugin should always be uploaded to the / wp-content / plugin / directory of every WordPress site, otherwise it won't work.

So here is what you need to do when you want to install the plugin for your WordPress site. Launch FTP and login with your username and password. When the connection to the website is established, look for the / wp-content / plugin / directory on the ‘Remote site’. This is where you need to add the plugin from your computer - the one you extracted earlier.

The upload process has finished, but the plugin is not yet working. Log into WordPress admin and go to ‘Plugins’. You will find the name of the new plugin there and it is enabled every time.

Install your WordPress Theme via FTP


Installing new WordPress themes is another way to run into 413 entities that are too large. If the theme is larger than normal, it also exceeds your server upload limit. WordPress themes are also uploaded manually. It is done in exactly the same way as you install the plugin or upload to any media via FTP.

The only difference will be the file path where you need to copy the topic. After you launch your FTP client, connect to the WordPress site by entering your username and password. Once the file manager is working, look for the / wp-content / Themes / link above the 'Remote site' of the interface.

Since themes are also available in .zip files, you need to first extract them to your PC. Then find the extracted file, then right-click and ‘Upload’ that file to the / wp-content / Themes / folder. The next step is to log in to your site's WordPress admin panel and see the new topics in the ‘Themes’ menu> ‘Themes’. If done correctly, the topic will be listed there and you can activate it with just one click.

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These are the main methods that you use to play around the 413 entity entity too large error message. Sometimes the first two ways resolve the problem right away, but if you're more experienced with using FTP on your site, then only take a few minutes to upload new files of any size to your site. .


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