What is Cloud Server? Model, Technology & Quality

Cloud Server - the cloud virtual server is the core of all Cloud Computing systems!

Reference: Cloud computing A-Z

Cloud Server is currently a phrase of many cheap Hosting services in Vietnam used to advertise the quality of VPS and Hosting. But the truth, why?

Understanding Cloud Server, the models and technologies applied to deploying cloud virtual servers, especially virtualization technologies, will help us better understand Cloud Server services and the quality of providers. Cloud Server, Cloud VPS on the market.

Learn Cloud Server - Cloud VPS AZ

Cloud Server, or Cloud VPS, sometimes you will be confused, how should we understand?

a. What is Cloud Server?

Cloud Server is a cloud virtual server made up of a server system operating on a cloud computing model - Cloud Computing.

Cloud Server is a service in the model of providing cloud infrastructure - IaaS, besides cloud storage service Cloud Storage / Cloud Backup.


Distinguish models IaaS - PaaS & SaaS, Serverless

To put it simply, is this:

What is Cloud ServerEach cloud consists of many physical servers (+ in physical storage), connected by network devices (such as Cisco's) and this physical system is operated by companies. technology (software) specializing in deploying cloud computing to create virtual servers for storage and computing.

These cloud virtual servers (Cloud Server) are created and can be moved - flexibly expand / shrink resources - are backed up & easily restored automatically when a physical server is on the cloud. Clouds had trouble.

b. Types of Cloud Server services

Cloud Server can be called with many other names, depending on the purpose of the service package that the provider offers: Cloud VPS, Cloud VPC, ....

What is Cloud VPS?

Cloud VPS stands for Cloud Virtual Private Server, or virtual private cloud server.

VPS is a separate virtual server created from a physical server using hardware or operating virtualization technologies (see details on the 2 virtualization technologies below). We can temporarily understand Cloud VPS is VPS created from cloud computing systems, not from physical servers like traditional VPS.

So Cloud VPS is also Cloud Server, but provided as a VPS service.

What is Virtual Private Cloud - VPC

Google VPCVPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud, which is also Cloud Server but deployed for intranet under the Private Cloud model, for companies and organizations that want to bring their traditional IT infrastructure. to the cloud.

VPC can be deployed on the enterprise physical server cluster with necessary Cloud Computing technologies (such as VMware vSphere) or renting a Cloud Server from a Public Cloud infrastructure provider (such as Amazon Web Services ).

VPC implements specific technologies according to Private Cloud model. See What is Private Cloud?

Services deployed under the Private Cloud model usually only provide necessary infrastructure and technologies, while the management and operation are solely responsible by the customer, the provider does not interfere (unless the customer gives permission).

What is the Public Cloud?

Public Cloud is a model of public cloud services, allowing users to register for free use or to purchase server, storage, network resources ... I need and the cost will be calculated in the form of Pay As You Go (PAYG) - use as much as you pay.

Amazon, Google, Aruze or OVH Public Cloud all offer Cloud Server service packages under the Public Cloud model, in which the entire cost will be based on the number of resources you have used such as the number of CPUs, storage, bandwidth ...Public Cloud - Cloud Server

The Public Cloud also allows you to manually upgrade or downgrade resources as needed.

And Public Cloud provides infrastructure in the form of VPC and VPS, besides it also provides services in the form of infrastructure + Platform (Platform as a Services - PaaS) such as AWS Lambda services, Google Function, ..


Differentiate Public - Private & Hybrid Cloud

c. Technology model deploying Cloud Server

Cloud Server also uses technologies like cloud computing in general, but concentrates on the IaaS model, which is the optimal technology for providing cloud computing and storage infrastructure.

Refer Distinguish IaaS - PaaS - SaaS & Others ..

Steps to deploy Cloud Server

A cloud is deployed by a combination of Server virtualization technologies + Cloud deployment technologies.

1. Virtual server virtualization

Virtualization of Physical ServerThe first step of cloud deployment is always Virtualization of physical serversThere are two main types of virtualization based on Hardware & Operating System Virtualization, or Hardware and Software Virtualization for short.

Understanding these 2 types of virtualization will help you understand how Cloud Deployment Technologies work:

Types of VPS Virtualization - Cloud Server - Advantages & disadvantages (updating)

After physical server virtualization, we can provide traditional VPS services, and to become a Cloud Server, there are steps 2 & 3.

Refer to VPS Virtualization Technologies - Cloud Server

2. Deploy cloud

The second step is to bring these virtual servers to the cloud by cloud deployment technologies, usually has 3 main functions:

Virtualization of Cloud

  • Compute Virtualization: virtualization computing, ie virtualization of CPU resources, RAM, ... of physical servers
  • Storage Virtualization: storage virtualization, linking physical hard drive systems and then virtualizing - dividing - allocating as hard drive cloud storage
  • Network Virtualization: virtualize network infrastructure, to meet the flexibility of allocation - management - storage of compute & storage resources across the entire cloud system

There are also additional solutions for security features, firewalls, compatible to be synchronized - merging Cloud Server systems together ...

3. Cloud operations & management

Cloud server operation management

Step 3 - Cloud deployment technologies perform initialization - allocation & distribution, transfer, backup & recovery of these resources in the form of Cloud Server.

These technologies are usually implemented separately from each vendor, or use the available Software solutions shown below!

Popular Cloud Server deployment software

Large corporations such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM ... use their own solutions to deploy cloud computing model and provide IaaS services.

For smaller businesses, or individual users with dedicated software teams for quick cloud deployment!

The software is described as Cloud Computing Software for creating, managing, and deploying Infrastructure Cloud Services: Cloud computing software to create, manage, and deploy Cloud Infrastructure Services (Cloud Server, Cloud Storage).

In the technology market, these software are called Software-defined data center - abbreviated as SDDC or Virtual Datacenter - VCD. These software help quickly deploy a small server-storage-network infrastructure into a real Datacenter instead of having to setup as complex as traditional Datacenter Clusters.

Software Defined Datacenter - Virtual Datacenter

They can be Open Source, free like OpenStack, Apache CloudStack ... or commercial software, pay VMWare vSphere, Virtuozzo .. and they help IaaS businesses and services deploy Cloud Computing with cluster size Small owner, save costs!

In addition to deploying cloud from physical server cluster, some also support cloud deployment on cloud virtual machines (Instances, Containers ..) of big services like AWS EC2, MS Azure, Google Compute Engine .

(*) There is no common technology to deploy virtual server computing on the virtual server itself. The fact that OpenStack supports deploying on Google Compute Engine or Virtuozzo on AWS EC2 .... is an individual solution for large Cloud Server services of Google, Amazon, ...


OpenStack is a technology created in collaboration with NASA and Rackspace, and becomes a free and open source project.

OpenStack supports virtualization technologies based on hardware KVM, XEN, VMware ... and can also connect to work with virtualization based on operating systems such as LXC, Virtuozzo ..

Open Stack

Currently, it is invested by most large technology corporations such as Google, Huawei, Cisco, etc. OpenStack quickly became the most popular and fastest growing IaaS technology in the world.

For example, OVH's Public Cloud service or DreamHost's Cloud Computing, Godaddy .. are all deployed on OpenStack.

VMware vSphere

VMware is the world's largest corporation specializing in virtualization technology, before Cloud Computing boom, VMware was also the 'big brother' in the traditional virtualization market.

VMWare uses technologies that support full-virualization (fz), hardware-based virtualization similar to Microsoft's XEN, KVM or Hyper-V technologies.

VMware vSphere

vShere is a set of commercial software of VMware, allowing rapid deployment of IaaS service. The cost for vSphere is from $ 1000 -> several tens of $ / year.

VMware vSphere is mainly for IaaS deployments for businesses, few VPS or Hosting providers use vShphere because it is not an economical solution for large Cloud Datacenter.

In Vietnam, Cloud Server providers such as Viettel IDC and Long Van IDC have reported that they use vSphere to deploy Cloud Server.

VMware also provides their IaaS service based on vSphere vCloud.


Virtuozzo is a commercial product developed based on OpenVZ (free), using a virtualization solution on an operating system similar to LXC (Linux Container) or Docker, providing virtual machines as containers.

Currently the latest version is Virtuozzo 7.

What is Virtuozzo

Virtuozoo is a platform (commercial software) for fast IaaS deployment at low cost, optimal for small IaaS providers, or businesses that want to 'go to the cloud' but have a limited cost.

The common Cloud Server providers deploy on Virtuozzo because it requires quite a few physical server resources - hard drives - network equipment.

Virtuozzo cloud system can be deployed on several physical servers, they also support cloud deployment on AWS EC2 Virtual Server (EC2 Instances).

Other Cloud Server deployment software

Many technology suites for IaaS such as Apache CloudStack, OpenNebula, OpenShift, OnApp ...

d. Required when deploying Cloud Server from a physical server

Deploy Cloud Server

To deploy Cloud Server on a physical server cluster, the following factors are needed:

  1. At least two .. but often multiple physical servers and network hard drives
  2. Network device (Network Hardware) to connect servers - hard drives and connect to public Internet
  3. Deploy server virtualization & 'cloud' technology on the system, such as XEN virtualization + technologies from Amazon, KMV + technology from Google, KVM + OpenStack, or KVM + VMware, Viruozoo 7, etc.
  4. One or more skilled network engineers or technicians to operate, monitor, manage - maintain the entire system.

The top to setup a Cloud Server system yourself both hardware - technology & deployment - operation costs are required. With Small, self-deploying Hosting services under the Cloud Computing model are not easy.

e. Distinguish Cloud Server and Server - traditional VPS

Because deploying according to Cloud Computing model, Cloud Server will be different from traditional Server or virtual server (VPS) in the advantages - features of Cloud Computing:

High Availability

This is the deciding factor that Cloud Server can be 100% up-time regardless of problems on the physical server.

VHW interprets itself to make it easy to understand, that is, when applying virtualization technology according to cloud computing model, each cloud virtual server (Cloud Server) will not be fixed on any particular physical server. Odd yet, it can be moved (automatically) from one physical server to another physical server easily.

As a result of individual problems on some physical servers, Cloud Server is immediately moved to (or restored from a backup) another healthy physical server in the cloud.

Data scattering - High data security

Data is distributed over the entire Cloud Storage (cloud hard drive), not fixed to any physical hard disk on the system, so when a physical hard drive has problems, data can still be recovered quickly. on other hard drives

Load Balance

There is a combination of idle, sweet sharing between servers across the cloud, that is, there will be no physical server 'plowing too' and another machine sitting and shaking their feet to drink coffee.

Simply because the resources are allocated to cloud virtual servers not fastened with a fixed physical server in a cloud system.

Dynamic allocation of resources

Administration of the cloud system can increase and decrease the resources allocated to a virtual server (Cloud VPS / Cloud Server) easily without having to suspend the operation of that virtual server.

And when a Cloud VPS needs more resources, it is easy to mobilize more idle resources of some servers in the system, without being limited to upgrading ability like traditional VPS.

Easy to manage

Cloud server management will not need to manage operations or software on each node (physical server) because the technologies implemented ensure that these nodes work well together.

‘Infinite’ scalability

It is possible to add physical servers (nodes) or one cloud to another cloud ... just need the synchronization of deployment technology.

Pay as you go (PAYG)

PAYG - i.e. how much you pay, Cloud Computing technologies, thanks to the ability to allocate and distribute resources, will calculate the price based on the amount of resources you use instead of charging a fixed fee in the way you transfer system (use or not also have to pay).

A simple example such as the hourly fee of VPS Vultr or Linode, DigitalOcean ... if you delete VPS, it no longer takes up server resources, storage & cloud networks, then do not pay anymore.

f. Factors determining the strength of Cloud Server

It is also Cloud, but the size of each cloud (physical server - in hard - network infrastructure) and technology applied, management - operation level will determine the quality of Cloud Server.

Server resources - storage of the cloud

Total physical resources of server & stay hard on cloud system.

The power of each cloud depends greatly on the quality - the number of physical servers and physical hard drives you have.

A large number of servers and physical hardware will help the process of data distribution, transfer - recovery of virtual servers is enhanced. Not to mention scalability - better allocate more resources to the virtual server.

For example, if you only have 3 physical servers in the cloud, then when there is a server failure, you only have 2 options to recover virtual cloud server. Very limited compared to having 5 to 10 physical servers.

Network Infrastructure & Network Connection

Network devices and technologies used to connect server clusters and physical hard drives play a key role in the stability and speed of resource allocation of a cloud. Currently, Network hardware and technology are usually on the Datacenter in Vietnam Cisco + NetApp, combined with VMware vSphere virtualization technology.

The second factor is the quality of Internet connection from the cloud to the outside. Whether it is Public or Private Cloud, remote access to Cloud Server is always guaranteed.

Cloud system setup from physical servers & hard drives located in your office, the network connection quality is far different if deployed on a server cluster located in Datacenter international standard Tier 3 of Viettel IDC or FTP IDC ...

An even more important factor and undersea cable infrastructure. This is VN, I have a long way to reach the highest level!

Currently, large IaaS providers such as Google, Alibaba, AWS, MS Aruze, ... all deploy their own intercontinental fiber optic lines to improve transmission efficiency. Smaller providers such as Vultr, DigitalOcean, Linode ... also invest in high-speed transmission lines.

Because the network infrastructure is the Data transport infrastructure on Cloud Computing, you may have a supercar but it will be useless if you walk on the field.

In Vietnam, as long as there is continuous disconnection and ridiculous cable as today, Cloud Server deployed in VN Datacenter, no matter how well invested, cannot compete with AWS, Google Engine, Vultr, Linode. ... on the international market.

The pressure technology use to deploy Cloud Server

There are quite a number of technological platforms for deploying the IaaS cloud system as introduced. From the famous OpenStack solution, VMware's # 1 vSphere trading platform, or Virtuozzo 7 low cost solution from Virtuozzo.

The technology used to implement IaaS also directly affects the quality of Cloud Server.

For example, Google Cloud Server, with physical virtualization KVM, or Amazon with XEN virtualization will be more powerful than operating system virtualization VPS (OpenVZ type) deployed by Virtuozzo 7.

Qualification of system setup and operation of technical staff

Deploying Cloud Server system from a server cluster & physical hard drive requires not only the money you invest in the technology platform but more importantly the requirements of the setup - operation and management team.

Even the cheap Virtuozzo 7 solution, a system engineer or technician with good experience and expertise is needed to set up and operate.

The level of setup and operation is the deciding factor for high-end services such as Google Engine, Amazon EC2, or intermediate Vultr, OVH, DigitalOcean, Linode ... to confirm the quality and reputation in the market compared to goods. hundred other small Cloud Server services.

Resources allocated for service packs

This is a big problem of cheap cloud VPS services in the world, especially in Vietnam.

The hosting in Vietnam is often known as 'weak' because of the habit of optimizing profits by:

  • Lower prices to compete and increase sales, attract customers
  • Create lots of VPS packages on a small amount of resources to minimize investment costs

The advantage of this 'tricky' approach is that when customers find it cheap to buy the service, they then cannot use it (or use it too hard) and decide to quit. then that leftover resource continues to sell to new customers!

With these services, the only way to maintain is to attract new customers, not expecting to renew or register more from old customers with such poor quality!

Why is your Cloud so weak?

Many hosting services, VPS domestic and abroad advertise as Cloud Server ... but of poor quality, especially the down-time situation occurs regularly.

There are 2 causes of the Cloud Server situation that you purchased is too hasty:

  1. One is self-cloud cloud to let you equal me, while still using traditional VPS technology with separate physical server and server is poor quality or stuffed too many VPS packages (using OS virtualization - OpenVZ) on same server.
  2. Secondly, it has implemented the Cloud Computing model, but the server cluster size is too small, then uses virtualization technology on the operating system with Virtuozzo software and divides too many VPS packages on a few servers while the resources are Restrictions (similar to Linux Container)

g. The best Cloud Server service today

  1. High-end, there are Amazon Web Services EC2, Google Compute Engine GCE, Azure Cloud Windows Server, Rackspace OpenStack Cloud Server ...
  2. In the intermediate level, there are OVH Public Cloud, Vultr Cloud Dedicated Server, Managed Kubernetes of DigitalOcean ... these are packages with large resources, suitable for the needs of businesses and organizations thanks to large resources.
  3. Popular with Cloud VPS packages of Vultr, DigitalOcean, Linode, OVH, Ramnode (all deploying Cloud Computing) or in Vietnam, there are Cloud ID packages of Viettel IDC ..
  4. Affordable: many services such as CloudVPS of AZDIGI, GreenCloudVPS and many Cloud VPS services in Vietnam ... the quality of these VPS packages depends on the reputation of the provider. Most are inferior to VPS Vultr, Linode or DigitalOcean, OVH ...

With WordPress, the normal need of just using the popular Cloud VPS services is enough:

Reference: Top best VPS services 2019

Reference: Evaluate VPS AZDIGI - Best VPS Service in Vietnam


Cloud computing - Cloud Computing with Cloud Server is a complete upgrade compared to the old physical server model, in terms of performance - stability - availability & flexibility and data security.

However, cloud scale, applied technology, technical level ... are the main factors determining the true quality of Cloud Server.

Therefore, when choosing to rent cloud server for the company, or for personal needs, let us choose the prestigious services that have been identified as Google Engine, AWS EC2, MS Aruze or in the segment. Better price is Cloud Server of OVH, Vultr VPS, Digital Ocean, Linode ...

Finally, the topic of Cloud Hosting, technologies, models, as well as identify the services is really Cloud or just in the name of Cloud!

What is cloud hosting? Advertising & Truth

Have fun!


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