What to do to recover the spirit after breaking up with a love? - Knowledge sharing blog

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In life there are many encounters and separation, especially in love and marriage, not everyone has luck and smoothness.

There are many people who do not have a love or a perfect marriage. And of course, behind the breakup is no less hurt and disturbance in life.

For many people, breaking up with a lover, or divorce is a huge shock, it makes people blind, awake and can take extremely foolish actions.

Therefore, how to behave when ending a love is something that young people need to learn to know how to balance their lives. And in this article I give you some suggestions for you to know how to behave when faced with this situation.

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#first. Calm

Calm down is the first thing you should do when love breaks. In Buddhism there is a sentence “Practicing a boat for a hundred years. Tu thousand years should be married couple ".

In other words, people come together by words "Predestined", sticking, becoming husband and wife also by word "Charm" this.

You should calm down if you receive goodbye from your lover, try to keep calm, do not make ridiculous, impatient, hasty actions ...


#2. Talk, find out the cause, find a way to overcome difficulties

Next, you can contact to meet, talk directly with your lover, find out the reason, the cause of such a breakup.

Maybe your lover will refuse to meet, turn off your phone, you can talk via text, email. You should find out the reason for the breakup from friends and relatives of the person you know.

If there are subjective, objective reasons or barriers affecting your love that you still really love each other, or do not want to end, let's discuss and discuss to find out. solving plans, overcoming difficulties together. Life must undergo a trial in order for love to be sustainable.

# 3. Silent, no more comments

When you love each other, everything becomes good, everything is sparkling. But many couples, after breaking up, then try to condemn each other, speak ill of each other, even condemn each other. You should avoid this!

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Because when speaking badly, condemning and accusing each other will not change the situation, nor will it make things better, but it will make the situation worse.

This is an "not good" action, even if you have already broken up, you should leave a good impression on each other. So when you really have to break up, you should be quiet, not comment, or speak ill of the other person.

It is a cultural behavior that each of us must strive to learn. Many couples after not getting along, breaking up still become good friends.

# 4. Let go and accept

If indeed when love is over, can not be saved anymore, we should also accept reality. Give up, don't try to hold on when you cannot heal.


Of course, letting go here is not an easy task, letting go of the sadness, hatred, hate each other. But you try to let go of all, just keep the beautiful memories.

Many people when they break up, they do not accept the fact that it is easy to fall into a serious crisis. Some people find their lover begging, crying, threatening suicide, .... To be honest, these are stupid things, no matter how much you love your partner.

There is a story that tells:

There is a boy suffering because his lover left to get married. He suffered so he turned to the Buddha and asked:

Why do you love her so much and she still gets married to other people, not you?

The monk smiled and showed him a mirror. Including images of a beautiful naked girl lying dead on the road.

Everyone passing by will leave ...

Only one guy stopped but only covered her with a shirt and then left.

Later, another boy came and brought the girl's body to burial.

Buddha looked at the guy and said:

In his previous life, he was the only one who covered her clothes. And the husband she took now is the previous life that buried her, that is the word DEBT, he only has DUYEN with that girl only!

So he understood, the couple in life is a predestined. So when you've really broken up, you should accept reality and think more freely than between you and your lover without a predestined or out of love.

# 5. Balance yourself

After parting ways, more or less the two sides will be hurt, the emotional sentiment of both will be disturbed and can not be normal as if nothing has happened.

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There are also people depressed, depressed not studying, working, even crying moodily all day and finding death.

So we should find ways to balance our emotions, think positively. Everything will pass, and tomorrow will be morning again.

So you should regain your spirit, find new pleasures by traveling, participating in social activities, playing sports, going to the movies, listening to music, reading books ... doing all these things. What you want to do is to gently, comfortably and gradually regain balance.

# 6. Take care of yourself

Sayings "No one loves himself with himself" Really is very true. Therefore, don't because of broken love, you torture yourself, stop eating, stop drinking, lack of sleep or always in a messy outfit and messy hair.


No one can live for me, no one can handle it for me. Therefore, no matter how frustrated and painful, don't make yourself miserable, learn how to take care of yourself.

You should eat well, get enough sleep, participate in sports activities, develop yourself, take care of your hair, clothes, to make yourself more and more perfect.

"Song has song, people have time" - time will be a miracle medicine that will soothe all wounds. However, breaking up in love and marriage is a pain that not everyone is easy to overcome. Please actively train and learn to behave culturally so that you do not get hurt and leave a good impression on everyone.

CTV: Huyền Vu - Blogchiasekienthuc.com

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