Ajax Search Pro v4.18.4 - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin Codecanyon

Ajax Search Pro Designed to maximize the search capabilities of users. It provides a direct ajax search, making WordPress search more comfortable.

Results are shown visually (if applicable), so they look more appealing and less rough. Ajax Search Pro for WordPress has been designed to maximize the search capabilities of users. It provides direct ajax search, making WordPress search more comfortable.

Search can return posts, pages, any custom post type (e.g., WooCommerce products, BBPress forums, topics, replies), categories, custom taxonomy terms (e.g. : product portfolio, portfolio card), users, BudddyPress group, and BuddyPress activity as a result.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/search/3357410

  • The features of Ajax Search Pro Plugin - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin

Ajax Search Pro Plugin feature

  • All content types are acceptable support. Search supports articles, pages and any kind of personalized messages. WooCommerce, Jigoshop, Ecommerce and many other plugins use custom notification types, so they are all compatible with Ajax Search Pro.
  • Custom entrance interface: The plugin provides a customized frontend interface for users. By selecting a number of checkboxes, users can change search results - for example, search only for exact matches, including / excluding certain types of alerts, categories, or custom taxonomies. (e.g. product category).
  • Layout and subject: Four integrated layouts: vertical, horizontal, Polaroid and isotropic. More than 60 predefined themes for each layout, including demo pages.
  • Widgets and shortcodes: Three different widgets OK provide (recent searches, popular search terms and a search widget) and two shortcodes for each search. Buttons for inserting a shortcode are also displayed in the message editor. Search
  • Image Support: There are integrated libraries with special compatibility for image processing. They can analyze the content, shutter speed, custom fields or just show the displayed image.
  • Icon: Use multiple svg high resolution icons, vectors and colors, or download your own if you like.
  • Search logic: Customizable You can change the search logic to suit your needs. By default, the plugin works with OR logic to provide more results. If you need more stringent results, you can change this with just one click. Additional information is available in the search logic of the document.
  • Image analyzer: customizable The highly customizable image analyzer displays the best quality images in search results. The plugin can scan many different types of images: Favorites, In Articles, From Excerpts.
  • Filter by category and category tags: Create and manage categories, tags and any sorting term filters. Check boxes, drop down lists, and radio buttons are supported.
  • Custom filter: For even more complex layouts, you can create custom field filters to provide users with more advanced ways to find your content.
  • Support for WPBakery Page Builder: Starting with version 4.0, Search has an add-on for WPBakery. You can easily manage search cases through WPBakery plugin.
  • Compact mode: No website for search widgets? You can hide the search bar until the user clicks on the magnifying glass icon.
  • Search suggestions by: Google and automatic Google keyword fill and autocomplete suggestions are enabled by default. The language of the sentence can be easily changed (Russian is also supported).
  • Integrated tracker: Track your search results with a simple integrated tracker. This will help you optimize the ajax search speed.
  • Integrate with Google Analytics: When touching the button, you can integrate Google Analytics into search, then the terms will be displayed as page views on the analytics toolbar.
  • Caching: For high-traffic websites, you can reduce database queries and increase search performance by using the built-in cache. Option Compatible Provides you with a quick fix interface if something doesn't work properly.
  • Import and export: Want to use settings and search in another project? Export your search options and enter them into another website.
  • See also: synthesis WordPress Plugin Free premium, daily updates


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