Booster Plus for WooCommerce v4.9.0 NULLED - Booster for WooCommerce

Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin

Booster Plus for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that allows you to make tweaks to WooCommerce (formerly WooJetpack). You no longer need to enter code and edit things manually! The functionality of the plugin is sufficient to customize the online store tool to fit your needs.

The module's main task is to expand the basic functionality of the WooCommerce platform used to create stores.


  • Salient features Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin - Booster Plus for WooCommerce

  • Price and currency.

  • Buttons and badges.

  • Cart and payment.

  • Payment options.

  • Goods.

  • Function for product part

  • Shipping Delivery and order.

  • PDF invoice and packing slip.

  • Newsletter emails and miscellaneous.

  • Payment gateways

Booster Plus for WooCommerce v4.9.0 Changelog
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Add 'Restrictive Loading' option allowing to enqueue the module scripts on some conditions.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Avoid possible cURL error on site-health by starting session only on frontend.
* Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Booster WPML - General Options - Improve 'Auto Switch Booster Currency' option using the `wcml_client_currency` filter to get the currency as well.
* Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Add compatibility with "Load Modules on Init Hook" option.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Global Discount - Fix possible php warning: Illegal string offset `wcj_global_discount_price_hash`.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Get per product regular price instead of sale price when scheduled sale price is not valid.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Display the `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` shortcode only to products that really need the module.
* Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Add Addon field to cart using its default value when the product is not on `$_POST`.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping by Cities - Improve city detection by also getting it when customer changes city.
* Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Add 'Checking Relation' option as a Plus feature, allowing to check only one condition to be true or all of them.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Add 'Shop Manager Editable Roles' option allowing to change the roles the Shop Manager role can edit.
* Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Minimum order amount - Add option allowing to exclude Discounts from Yith Gift Cards on plus version.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Create option allowing to choose to display some meta from 'WooCommerce Extra Product Options' on `item_name` paramater from `wcj_order_items_table` shortcode.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Create option allowing to choose the separator from `item_meta` parameter from `wcj_order_items_table`.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Add 'Price Table Format' option allowing to setup the title from `[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]` shortcode.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Add compatibility option with WooCommerce Coupons regarding min and max amount values.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Add 'Convert Shipping Values' option.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Add Compatibility option with 'WooCommerce Tree Table Rate Shipping' plugin.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Add `wcj_multicurrency_compatibility_wc_ttrs_instances` filter.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Add Compatibility option with 'Flexible Shipping' plugin.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Add compatibility option with 'Woo Discount Rules' plugin.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Add option 'Advanced: Saved Calculated Products Prices'.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Make the Country Switcher widget change the currency from the module.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Add option to ignore the `editable_roles` filter allowing for example the `shop_manager` to see all roles.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product MSRP - Add 'Treat Variable Products as Simple Products' option.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product MSRP - Add 'Archive Field' option allowing to register a value that will be displayed only on archive.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product MSRP - Add formula options for %you_save% and %you_save_percent% template variables.
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Users - Replace "Shipping Methods by Users" options by ajax settings.
* Dev - Functions - Admin - Allow `wcj_get_ajax_settings()` searching customers by ajax passing `woocommerce_json_search_customers` on `$search_type` parameter.
* Dev - Functions - Date Time - Add `wcj_pretty_utc_date()` function that takes into consideration configured language, timezone, and date format.
* Tested up to: 5.4.
* WC tested up to: 4.1

  • See also: Archives WordPress plugin Premium is completely free on Codecanyon

The post Booster Plus for WooCommerce v4.9.0 NULLED - Booster for WooCommerce appeared first on Wordpress Support - Theme sharing, free Plugin constantly updated.


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