Website design professional restaurant - Mona Media

Today, the food and beverage industry in Vietnam is increasingly having the opportunity to thrive due to the people's living standards increasing and incessantly. The motto of the restaurant industry is always dedicated service and to have more customers, better service then the job Restaurant website design Marketing is one of the lowest cost but highly effective marketing options. Especially, it helps customers easily find the restaurant address, information and services they want to book and can actively reserve tables and orders online instead of going directly to the restaurant.

Designing a restaurant website - an effective way to reach customers online

In today's technology age, to access information where to go, what to eat, the access to the internet brings useful information, necessary for each person and each home. Can search among multiple addresses, make yourself the right and reasonable decision based on your own actual needs and desires. Therefore, the restaurant when focusing on reaching customers through the website is important, necessary and effective.

Facing the general trend, when restaurant website design has become popular in many, even in many other areas, learning to improve quality and efficiency is an important issue to implement. Through that, perfecting the website and putting into use, maximizing value, bringing great benefits. With more and more customers looking for information on the restaurant through the website, using their own website is something that needs attention.

As more and more online shopping and online services are available, owning a website for the restaurant is a requirement. A quality, appropriate website supports the process of improving business efficiency to the maximum extent. Reaching a large number of customers through the internet, the completion of the website to put into use is a basic and important requirement that every restaurant needs to pay attention to.

Benefits when designing a restaurant website

Benefits when designing websites for restaurants

Through the website used exclusively for restaurants brings many outstanding advantages, many useful support for each restaurant operating culinary business on the market. In particular, typical to mention as:

  • Building a useful information channel, thereby helping to reach potential customers. When the demand for internet use is increasing, customers' access is guaranteed well, bringing high efficiency and ideal to a larger number of potential customers.
  • Asserting the professionalism of its own restaurant is an indispensable benefit. Providing information to customers visually, quickly and effectively is guaranteed. At that time, improving the prestige, professionalism and quality when operating in the market was easily achieved.
  • Giving customers more confidence, easier to understand the restaurant. From there, the decision to use the service, to enjoy the dishes provided is easily achieved. Improve revenue significantly, expand the market with a large number of customers.
  • Facilitate the improvement of competitiveness compared to the current market. As restaurants operate on more and more diverse markets, the competitiveness is guaranteed to help us have an ideal position, more efficient business operations. The enhancement of brand awareness, asserting the prestige and professionalism is done well.
  • Communication with customers is well supported and comprehensive. At that time, customers learn effectively about the products and services that businesses provide, while each restaurant is proactive in approaching customers when operating in the market.

From the practical benefits when designing a restaurant website, perfecting the appropriate website is something that every unit needs to pay attention to. Through that, using a website that better supports your business is guaranteed.

Types of restaurant websites that many partners have made at Mona Media include:

  • Website design introduces restaurants, brand restaurants
  • Web design for restaurants: weddings, birthday parties, event tables, banquets, ...
  • Design Western and Eastern culinary website: beaf steak, European food, Beer - bar, Fast Food, Pizza, Buffet, Café (combining dining), ...
  • Design oriental cuisine website: seafood, Chinese, Thai, Korean cuisine restaurant, Japanese food - Sushi restaurant, etc.
  • Website design restaurant order: integrated with ordering Online
  • Website design online reservation
  • Website design combining restaurant management web app (from process, staff to statistics)

The main features of the restaurant website

Book a table directly without logging in

This feature is perfect when designing websites to help customers book tables when they need to proceed simply, quickly and effectively. With just a click of the mouse is the hourly table, reservation, ... are made as easy as the needs of customers. This is an important feature that is indispensable when conducting a complete web design.

Through the feature of all customer information, requests are recorded and transferred directly to the management. Website operates effectively, support for business operations of the restaurant to achieve high results.

Add and manage restaurants

Website administrators easily add, remove and manage restaurants right on the website effectively. Adding products, installing each product item, etc. can be done simply and proactively as needed. When equipped with this feature, the system will automatically add products to the search filter. At that time, the restaurant management and operation of the new website had high quality.

Slideshow effect

One of the indispensable features of the restaurant website is the guarantee of slideshow effects for the dishes, the food combo is served, provided. Through this, customers can easily find useful information for themselves effectively. The use of services, order-on-demand at that time is supported to the maximum extent, bringing high efficiency as desired.

Features of restaurant web, cuisine

Statistical feature

Completing the statistics feature helps the restaurant website can inform the number of visitors in a specific, detailed and clear manner, or to the number of online visitors also grasping in detail and detail.

From the statistical feature integrated in a restaurant web, it is possible to capture information about the number of visitors interested in their restaurant is best done. From there, it is possible to adjust, balance and further improve the website providing the service which is performed well as required by each unit, when doing business on the market.

Service management of the restaurant

With a service management feature that makes adding, deleting or editing folders, images, or posts made easy. All can be carried out by the administrator effectively on demand without any problems.

When each restaurant offers different services, changes and adjustments in each specific time, the management features are equipped to bring the ideal support effect. Website management for the needs, for practical requirements is guaranteed to bring the high application efficiency as we expect.

Culinary culture of the restaurant

Articles introducing the culinary culture, or the culture of the restaurant, as well as other useful information related are presented in a detailed and complete manner. Introduction about the culinary culture of the restaurant helps each customer understand clearly and in detail. At the same time, it helps every customer to be proactive when making decisions for themselves.

Search engine optimization support

This feature is perfect during the process Restaurant website design ensure to help customers find information through relevant keywords, which is carried out smoothly and effectively. With the advanced search integrated, the search by function, by location, price, ... are best supported.

The needs of each customer when accessing a restaurant web are different. Can search for information easily, specifically bringing the high application efficiency as each person requests. Learning information, detailed and comprehensive considerations helps to decide when given as the most accurate and reasonable. Optimize search engine to improve the efficiency of accessing and using the website of each customer.

Discount code

The ability to easily customize the discount programs according to specific numbers, or the% offered by the house is provided fully, easily and easily updated. The process of creating separate prices for special occasions, or specific programs that the restaurant wants is made as easy as you want.

Payment feature

A highly rated restaurant website has many features that need to be fully integrated, including features to support all diverse electronic payment, easy access and application according to the needs of each person. Each user can choose the appropriate payment method for their own needs, thereby completing the website to be put into use, making ordering and payment according to the needs guaranteed the best.

Currently, there are many different forms of payment applied that we can completely calculate and consider to make the most reasonable choice. Supporting all forms of transactions helps to meet customers' needs, get high praise, positive feedback is best guaranteed.

Support multi-currency payment

The ability to support multiple currencies, and the ability to easily turn on and off currencies according to their needs is a basic and important requirement to ensure with the website used for restaurants. When customers come to restaurants can come from many different countries, the ability to support the payment of many different currencies helps the website be highly appreciated, asserting the quality and professionalism effectively. .

Customers in different countries use different currencies. Therefore, finding information and paying attention to the multi-currency payment support feature for a restaurant web is a basic standard to be ensured. The payment of each customer goes smoothly, efficiently and proactively as required.

Database system

Management system database feature is provided, fully designed with a restaurant website to further improve the efficiency of website exploitation for general business activities. With the content management system, it is completed carefully to add, edit, or delete content when the need is made smoothly and effectively. With a user-friendly, easy-to-complete control panel, it can be used as needed.

The website management at this time can be suitable for anyone of the restaurant to have the desired effect. It brings more initiative to the business activities that each restaurant is always aiming for.

Link social network with restaurant website

The ability to help social networking is a basic requirement, important because it supports the advertising for businesses to perform as well as the requirements and practical requirements of each unit. The basic requirement is to ensure that there are no links for any social network. Editing, adding, or removing social networking sites as needed can be done simply, effectively and conveniently.

Currently, there are many social networks that are used a lot, ensuring easy linking, bringing high efficiency. In particular, such as facebook, Twitter, Youtube, ... brings the ability to help the website work more professionally and broadly.

Responsive feature - web access on any device

A website that is compatible with mobile devices is extremely important, extremely necessary with benefits and high value. As the use of mobile devices increases, access to information search and reference to restaurant websites account for the majority via convenient handheld devices, a website that guarantees Responsive standards is extremely necessary. . Responsive technology is applied to make sure the website is compatible, compatible with the interface of every mobile device, tablet that each user uses.

Ensure that the website when operating, put into operation is capable of bringing smooth, smooth performance on all platforms, all operating systems. Reaching a large number of customers is assured with a responsive website.

Management functions, web - restaurant app

This feature helps the management of the entire content system of the website is done through an extremely intuitive interface, extremely convenient and easy to use, suitable for any user. With a management system that allows each administrator to edit, add or remove folders, or images, the posts become simple and highly effective. The web management for the restaurant is done well, bringing the ideal value as each unit requires.

Restaurant website design package at Mona Media

Design a reputable restaurant website with Mona Media

Designing restaurant web with quality standards brings the application process smoothly and with high efficiency. Finding the information to choose a reputable service provider is extremely important and necessary. At that time, perfecting the website with standards, putting into effective application to get the ideal results as required. With many choices, Mona Media becomes the ideal choice because of the benefits and values ​​that customers achieve.

  • Providing standard services with the ability to ensure proper process. Ensure web design is carried out smoothly, exactly as required by each customer.
  • Comprehensive consultation, quality design is done with Mona Media by a team of professional, experienced and skilled professionals. The website finishing at the request of the customer is done well with standard quality, bringing high application efficiency.
  • Complete the web with all the features needed to perfect the quality to put into use. Each restaurant has its own needs that need to be guaranteed, the requirements with the website put into use also have certain differences that are met well.
  • Application of advanced and appropriate technologies ensures employment tRestaurant website design According to the needs of customers are done well, high quality brings good use efficiency.
  • Ensuring services are provided with affordable prices, balanced with the cost in the market to help customers own quality websites, saving costs to the maximum.
  • Comprehensive support from manuals, advice during use, or maintenance, upgrading of the website upon request is made smoothly and accurately.

Restaurant website design package at Mona Media

At Mona Media, we offer many website design packages suitable for each purpose, the budget of the restaurant includes: by template, basic, on demand, expanded with management features ...

With the basic package, you will serve all of the following services:

  • Free 1 year international domain name (see instructions to buy a domain name right here)
  • Free Hosting for 1 year (unlimited bandwidth and capacity)
  • Consulting ideas, layout, completely free design
  • Build your own exclusive brand website from your ideas
  • Latest restaurant website design technology: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Boostrap,, .Net, responsive technology for all devices
  • Highly customizable website, easy to integrate, easy to develop and expand features on demand
  • Easy to use administration system, supporting SEO business
  • Warranty, maintenance - support for lifetime advice
  • Support right when customers need

If you are wanted Restaurant website design If you like, please leave the information in the Form of Mona Media or contact us at the information below (there will be experts to contact you immediately)

  • Address: 319 C16 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City (resident of Thuan Viet commune)
  • Hotline: 1900 636 640
  • Email: or
  • Skype: demonhunterp


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