WP Import Export Plugin is a simple, fast and advanced data import and export plugin.
WP Import Export gives you the opportunity to export your site data to a variety of file formats, and you can import these files into any of your websites.
All your post types, pages, custom post types, categories, comments, and users are imported / exported with one click. A great way to manage WordPress website data between multiple websites.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-import-export/24035782
Salient features WP Import Export
- Pause, Continue & Stop import and export process
- Import Export run in the background
- Import Export Scheduled
- Powerful filter Available to import and export
- Field mapping drag and drop
- 17+ AddOns to support multiple plugins
- Support many formats for import and export
- Export log
Pause, resume and stop
- Import and export can be Pause, Continue & Stop.
- The plugin supports Pause and Continue with background import & export
- You can stop any import and export processing
Import and export in the background
- Import and export processing in the background.
- Background import & export can be paused, resumed and stopped.
- Many import and export can be processed at the same time.
- Simple import and export can be converted to background import & export
Powerful filter
- You can filter any data when you export as post id greater than 50.
- to import, filters are available to filter your uploaded file data
Field manager
- To export, you can rearrange and edit fields with just one click.
- To enter, drag and drop an existing field mapping facility.
Format multiple files
- Supports many file formats for import and export
- Support zip archive
- Supports CSV, XLS, XLSX, JSON, TXT, ODS and XML formats
Schedule Import & Export
- Automatic import schedule
- import and export management
- Support automatic import and export
Logs the Import process
- Complete the login process is available
- Step by step import each available record
17+ AddOns
- Major plugin compatibility
- ACF, ACF Pro
- WooCommerce
- Schedule import & export
WP Import Export v1.6.3 Changelog
- Fixed : PHP Zip library gives error when not activated
- Fixed : Schedule export send csv file instead of selected format
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