By default, the measurement unit in Word will be inches. This unit is not popular with Vietnamese users. So when working with size, you will have certain difficulties. For example when you want align text correctly in Word, but the unit of alignment is measured in centimeters, or millimeters ... So, if the default measurement unit is inches will make it difficult to perform.
Therefore, work Convert measurement units from inches to centimeters or mm is a very necessary job. You only need to convert once, and later the default unit will always be centimeters or millimeters according to the information you have set. So how do you change the measurement unit in Word? Please refer in the video and illustrations below ...
Video on how to convert units in Word from inches to cm
This is a video shared by Do Bao Nam Blog on Youtube channel. Version Word I use in the video is the Word 2019 version. But you are completely assured, with all other Word versions from 2013, 2016 ... and later you will do the same. Even with older versions such as Word 2010, 2007 ..., converting inches to centimeters or millimeters you do the same. The only difference is that older versions don't have a File on the menu, but an Office button.
In addition to converting inches to centimeters in Word, you can convert to other units if you want. For example you can convert to mm units. However, usually, you should convert to the unit of measurement is cm. This unit is more suitable for work and study. For example when you align, or use tab in Word, the cm unit will look better, easier to use ...
In addition to the content in the video below, you can also refer to details on how to convert units in Word through illustrations. Do Bao Nam Blog has also prepared quite a number of images for your reference. Through that, you can easily know how to convert measurement units.
How to convert units in Word from inches to centimeters through artwork
If you want to see information via images, this content will be just for you. The operation of setting the default unit of measurement in Word is quite simple. But it is for those of you who already know how to use Word fluently. If you are new to this software, then this job may make you difficult. But, once you have read this article, it will certainly become simple. The steps you follow are as follows:
Step 01: Click here File On the menu, select Options. It is on the Word versions from 2013, 2016, 2019 onwards. For Word 2010 and 2007, click the button Office, choose Options.
Step 02: When the window Word Options appears, click Advance. And in Advance's content, scroll down to the box display. Here, you choose Show measurements in units of is centimeters, millimeters or inches at will. Then click the button OK, got it. Such things convert inches to centimeters in Word done.

And so with just 2 very simple steps, you can convert inches to centimeters in Word. At the next Word self-study, Do Bao Nam Blog will share How to set the default font in Word. This is also a good content you should make. This operation you only need to do once, then do not need to do anything more ...
The article How to change the unit of measurement in Word from very simple inches to cm appeared first on Do Bao Nam Blog.