For some reason you want to access VNC to VPS, usually we use VNC in cases where ssh cannot reach VPS like vps is under attack, full socket, or ssh connection is fluttering, network on VPS have trouble. You can understand that accessing VNC is like accessing VPS through a remote screen attached directly to the VPS.
Instructions for accessing VNC through Tino panel
First, visit the service management page at:
Click to access the VPS service management panel you want to access VNC.
Next, you click on the VNC icon.
Then click on `Launch html 5 vnc client` to access the VNC screen.
The VNC client process when connecting looks like this:
Here you can enter your root account and password to log into VNC. You note, when entering the root password to login to the VPS, on linux, the pass root will not display but still record what you enter from the keyboard, After entering the root password, press Enter key.
Instructions for accessing VNC through vnc client
First, visit the service management page at:
Click on the VPS service management panel you want to access VNC.
Next click on the icon VNC Password:
Enter your new VNC password and click Change VNC Password. Note, you only enter the letters and numbers do not enter special characters such as (@ ,, # <$ ...)
Finally, you can connect VNC through VNC software such as TightVNC, Download link:
VNC login information, click on the VNC icon.
Information displayed:
So the example above my credentials would look like this:
VNC Port : 5923
As the password entered
Pictures with TightVNC, Enter IP information and port as: IP: port
Finally, enter the password to log into the VNC manager:
Picture of successful software login:
You can then enter the root login information to access the VPS through VNC.
Good luck.