Just last month, hacker and iOS security researcher with tiwtter @ 08Tc3wBB account revealed a possible new exploit on iOS / iPadOS 13.6.1.
A month later, that is, two weeks ago, the above researcher announced that iOS / iPadOS 13.7 is vulnerable to this exploit.
Now, we can confirm that the exploit will be released for the benefit of the jailbreak community.
In a recently shared post, one user questioned @ 08Tc3wBB about their exploit release plan.
The researcher has confirmed that it will be shared directly with the lead developer of the unc0ver jailbreak tool Pwn20wnd.
From what we can gather, @ 08Tc3wBB will wait until all exploitable vulnerabilities are fully patched by Apple before releasing the exploit.
Furthermore, he will share the modified exploit version with Pwn20wnd and it is carefully tested for stability and contains tfp0 - a kernel task port that allows arbitrary coding to the device's kernel memory. .
Although Pwn20wnd has been specifically mentioned in this conversation, it remains to be seen whether a similar exploit is sent to the Odyssey development team - an unc0ver-like tool.
What we do know is that ZecOps - @ 08Tc3wBB's team plans to compile a log discussing the exploit and how it works, and it's likely the Odyssey Team could take advantage of it.
It is not known whether Pwn20wnd will continue to develop jailbreak or not as he has been quite quiet on twitter lately but we should still believe there is a high possibility that the iOS 13.7 jailbreak will be released soon.
For those who are on iOS / iPasOS version above, we recommend you to keep the version waiting. Update to iOS 14, you will have a long time to jailbreak, especially A12 / A13 chip devices.
Exploit article that helps jailbreak iOS / iPadOS 13.7 to be shared with developers unc0ver first appeared on ThuThuatJB day.