Create a screen lock with an image on an Android phone or an iPhone, which is essentially a trick to add a background image under the numbers to unlock the passcode on the phone screen, making the interface more beautiful and stylish. So how detailed are the steps to create a screen lock for a phone with pictures?
Currently on a smartphone equipped with a lot of security, from normal password security, to security of character drawing and more advanced than iris security and iris sensor on Galaxy S8. New, 8 Plus launched. As on the Galaxy S8, you can opt for iris security by its flagship technology either Install fingerprint security on the S8 for usability. But if all that makes you feel boring, why not make it more vivid and attractive.
In this article, will introduce to you an application that allows you to lock the screen with images in many different styles, but they are both unique and strange. How to do it, please read the article right here.
How to lock the screen with pictures on iPhone, Android
1. How to create a screen lock with pictures on Android
Step 1: To be able to lock the screen with pictures on Android we need to download the Solo Locker app to our phone and install.
=> Link download Solo Locker for Android
Step 2: Then you open the software to choose Password field and choose the type of password you want to use, here we use the picture screen lock type so choose the traditional four-digit password type.
Step 3: Then will be transferred to the 10-digit dial interface and you can Click on each image to select your replacement photo.
Step 4: After filling up with 10 photos according to your options, click pen icon to perform further editing if desired, for example, choose a display style instead of a circle that can be replaced with different fun shapes.
Step 5: Next is the color correction for the numbers, allowing to change the color with more than 15 preset colors, unfortunately Solo Locker application has not yet allowed the user to further color options.
The third part is to adjust the size of the image to suit your screen.
Step 6: After everything is complete you just need to confirm your agreement and to the next step is to enter the password to create security for the computer, after entering exactly 2 times you click OK To confirm.
Step 7: Finally, there are security questions, question options and answer options for you in case you forgot your password can also use this security question.
Everything is done and now you just need to lock the screen and then turn it on again to enjoy your work.
So we have just finished the tutorial to lock the screen with pictures on Android phones, you can apply them in many different shapes as long as you get the best results.
2. How to create a photo screen lock on iPhone
Actually starting from iPhone 10 version slightly changed the way the lock screen operates, so you will not be able to lock the screen with pictures on the iPhone. Only devices running iOS 9 and below can do it. If your device is iOS 9.3.5 or lower then please refer to how create iPhone lock screen image And follow the instructions. As for devices running iOS 10 becomes impossible, if there is any information or tips that can fix the situation on, it will guide you to read as soon as possible.
On computers, users often use many different methods to lock the computer screen, one of the most used ways to lock the computer screen is to create shortcuts, for reference. how to lock the computer screen by shortcut to get the best way.