With Apple rolling out software updates for its iPhone and iPad so often today, it's interesting that a hacker claims that they've jailbroken one of the latest iOS / iPadOS versions.
New exploit is found
Most recently hacker @ 08Tc3wBB last month reported that a new exploit for iOS 13.6.1 has been found. This is said to use a different method than the tfp0 method - a type of exploit that we are familiar with is used in jailbreaks like Odyssey and unc0ver.
The hacker went on to validate that iOS 13.7 and even newer versions will be vulnerable to jailbreak-focused exploits.
Hacker's share line

The words "13,7 is ok" can have many explanations. But the hashtag "#jailbreak" used in this context, combined with @ 08Tc3wBB's current reputation, is a convincing proof that hackers' recent exploits may be compatible with the software version. current Apple.
Today's comment aside, @ 08Tc3wBB said in the final teaser that this exploit will be released "when appropriate."
This does not say exactly when the exploit will reach the public and whether it can be seen that a jailbreak will be generated from it if it is released.
Since it's an iOS 13-focused exploit, it's more likely that Odyssey and un0ver jailbreaks will add support instead of an entirely new jailbreak being created.
If you are interested in jailbreak, you probably already know that the highest version of iOS that can be jailbroken without using checkra1n is iOS 13.5.
During the time when Apple only signs iOS 13.7, the wait for the above exploit is the only hope for those stuck in iOS 13.7.
The article Using a new exploit that is not tfp0, iOS 13.7 that is vulnerable to jailbreaking made its first appearance on ThuThuatJB day.