How to manage search keywords in Your Wordpress Website?


How to manage search keywords in Your WordPress Website - It is very valuable to learn how to track search keywords in the WordPress web. First of all, it is very likely that you have a search field on your website. But what good is it if you don't know how people actually use it?

This is the setting for tracking WordPress search keywords to take effect. You definitely want to help readers reach your content faster and get the best possible experience, right?

If a keyword is popular among your visitors, writing about it will benefit both you and the reader. You get more traffic from hot topics, while users get the information they need for their website or business.

Another advantage from writing around the 'desired' topic is that you also have the ability to promote other valuable articles by adding internal links, which will also improve your website's SEO.

Last but not least, you just need to understand your community better, identify its needs and gather new content ideas for your website.

How to track search keywords in your wordpress website

Tracking search terms on your website is really important for the growth of your business, so learn how to actually enable this feature. There are three simple steps to that. And the whole thing starts with Google Analytics.

Note: if you haven't connected Google Analytics to your WordPress website, you need to do that first. Then perform the following steps.

See more: How to create a Landing Page

  1. Access main settings in Google Analytics

Log in to Google Analytics and select the website you want to track. Go to Administrators in the lower left corner of the Google Analytics interface and click Settings.


A new window with various types of customization options is displayed. Click View Settings in the third column, as shown in the image below:


  1. Allow tracking keyword searching website

Now that you're in the View Settings page, scroll down until you find the Site Search Settings heading and turn on the Site Search Tracking option.

In the Query Parameter field, adding words / letters will highlight the search query part in your URL - also known as the letter that will appear in the URL on the website before the search term. For example, s marks the entire search query with the following format:

Here is the setting:


Check the box next to the query parameter by the URL before you complete this step. This is important because in this way, Google Analytics will track the whole term together, instead of dividing them into different pages, which will result in a separate list for each page visited.

  1. Save and check

After completing the entire step above, remember to click Save Settings before closing the page and you're done! You have just placed to track WordPress search keywords on your website.

Now, to see what people are searching for on your WordPress website, you must visit Site Search from the menu inside Google Analytics and click Overview. Here, you will see all data collected by you.



Now you will know what your visitor's intent is when they view your website. Following your search, you will better understand their needs and build content around them. This will make more quality traffic for your website!

If you have any questions about tracking keywords searched on Website For your side, let us know through the comments section below.


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